Be part of the change

Convert your biowaste

And achieve energy autonomy

5 février 2025


The BioCapsule produces bioNGV, a sustainable fuel produced by methanation of biowaste.


What is bioNVG?

BioNVG is a renewable fuel produced through the methanation of organic waste. The resulting biogas is similar to conventional natural gas, which is then purified and high pressure compressed to become bioNVG.

The advantages of bioNVG


BioNVG offers numerous benefits, making it an increasingly popular alternative for energy transition and sustainable mobility :

Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions: Compared to fossil fuels, the consumption of bioNVG reduce CO2 emissions by 70 to 90%,
Renewable energy production: Since it is produced from organic waste, bioNVG is a renewable energy source that adds value to waste.
Reduction of air pollutants: bioNVG emits fewer fine particles, nitrogen oxides (NOx), and other pollutants, thereby improving air quality and public health.
Promotion of energy autonomy: By using local resources, bioNVG helps reduce dependence on imported fossil fuels.
Cost savings: bioNVG is often cheaper than traditional fuels, making it an economical alternative for transport companies, local authorities, and individuals.

Applications of bioNVG

BioNVG is increasingly used by various types of vehicles:

Heavy-duty vehicles (buses, trucks, and heavy goods vehicles)
Agricultural machinery (tractors)
Light vehicles (utility vehicles)
By the end of 2023, nearly 38,000 vehicles are running on CNG (Compressed Natural Gas) in France, one-third of which are heavy good vehicules. Using bioNVG enables to reduce carbon emissions at a fraction of the cost of electric vehicles. and vehicles fueled with bioNGC comply with the strict standards of LEZ (Low Emission Zones).

A Micro-bioNVG Station for your BioCapsule®

The solution we are developing, the BioCapsule®, can be connected to a bioNVG station, allowing you to produce bioNVG on site and use it directly for your vehicles. Up to 10 bioNVG vehicules, driving 25,000 kilometers per years, can be supplied.

If your vehicles are not compatible, retrofitting is the solution!
The retrofit process involves installing a motor compatible with natural gas and adding tanks to store bioNVG while maintaining the vehicle’s performance characteristics. For example, Lyptech, a french firm is producing this technology.

Does your business generate organic waste and need renewable fuel for your vehicles?
The BioCapsule is made for you!

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